Getting Started

Getting Started #

LSUClient has two main cmdlets: Get-LSUpdate and Install-LSUpdate - they basically do what their name implies!

These are some examples to get started with. To see all available parameters of each cmdlet and guidance on how to use them either see the online Cmdlet Reference in the navigation bar on the left or install the module and use Get-Help -Detailed or tab-completion to explore the cmdlets.

Get available updates for the system #


Get and install available updates #

$updates = Get-LSUpdate
$updates | Install-LSUpdate -Verbose

Install only packages that can be installed silently and non-interactively #

$updates = Get-LSUpdate | Where-Object { $_.Installer.Unattended }
$updates | Save-LSUpdate -Verbose
$updates | Install-LSUpdate -Verbose

Filtering out non-unattended packages like this is strongly recommended when using this module in MDT, SCCM, PDQ, remote execution via PowerShell Remoting, ssh or any other situation in which you run these commands remotely or as part of an automated process. Packages with installers that are not unattended may force reboots or attempt to start a GUI setup on the machine and, if successful, halt until someone clicks through the dialogs.

Get and install available updates, with some basic progress output #

$updates = Get-LSUpdate
$updates | Save-LSUpdate -Verbose
$i = 1
foreach ($update in $updates) {
    Write-Host "Installing update $i of $($updates.Count): $($update.Title)"
    Install-LSUpdate -Package $update -Verbose

Get all available packages #

$updates = Get-LSUpdate -All

By default, Get-LSUpdate only returns “needed” updates. Needed updates are those that are applicable to the system and not yet installed. If you want to retrieve all available packages instead, use Get-LSUpdate -All. This can be of interest if you want to re-install a driver package you believe may be broken or as a workaround when a package is detected as not applicable but you still want to install it (e.g. you might want to pre-install drivers for hardware such as an LTE modem or a docking station even though they are not currently connected to the machine). It is also possible to filter out the unneeded packages later by looking at the IsApplicable and IsInstalled properties. The default logic is equivalent to: Get-LSUpdate -All | Where-Object { $_.IsApplicable -and -not $_.IsInstalled }.

Download drivers for another computer model #

Get-LSUpdate -Model '20LS' -All | Save-LSUpdate -Path 'C:\Drivers\20LS' -ShowProgress

Using the -Model parameter of Get-LSUpdate you can retrieve packages for another computer model. In this case you almost always want to use -All too so that the packages found are not filtered against your computer and all packages are downloaded.

Ever since LSUClient Version 1.3.3 you can also pass full-length MTM/model names such as 20K70000GE to this parameter.